At Albader Trading Group Corp (ATGC), we take immense pride in our global supply chain, providing a diverse array of commodity products sourced from esteemed and dependable partners worldwide. Our unwavering commitment to professionalism ensures that we engage exclusively with top-tier suppliers and producers, guaranteeing trust and reliability in every transaction. We're honored by the recognition bestowed upon Mr. Salam Albader by PAAFER Kuwait and the Chinese Embassy in Kuwait for his instrumental role in establishing international business partnerships and fostering cross-country diplomatic collaborations.
At ATGC, we offer tailored product solutions and robust financial plans designed to meet your specific needs, all underpinned by a strategic approach that prioritizes your success. You can place your trust in our expertise to deliver the right products and sound financial strategies for your business ventures.
Mr. Gannet Pontjowinoto, is a seasoned professional with a Bachelor of Science in Aircraft Airframe & Avionics from Northrop University. His expertise spans energy conservation, project management, and systems management. With diverse roles, including President Director, and notable contributions to associations like KADIN, he now serves as Director at PT Samudra Nirmala Lestari, specializing in EV & Carbon Credit consultancy.
Mr. Albader, Meetings, Partners around the world
Mr. Salam Albader is a distinguished professional, adept at cultivating partnerships with officials and private entities globally. His entrepreneurial pursuits reflect a commitment to excellence, evident in the honor he receives from esteemed officials and companies alike.
Fertilizers Suppliers
Trust ATGC for high-quality, environmentally friendly fertilizer solutions available in any quantity, designed to enhance your productivity and promote sustainable growth globally and locally.
Desertification and Irrigations Solutions
At ATGC, we pride ourselves on offering innovative solutions that make agricultural projects viable even in the most arid desert environments. Through international collaboration and cutting-edge technologies, we have successfully implemented projects in Mongolia, China, and Kuwait. Our advanced methods include:
Our commitment to pioneering sustainable agriculture ensures that even the harshest landscapes can be transformed into productive and aesthetically pleasing agricultural areas. Trust ATGC for expertise and innovative solutions in global agricultural and landscape development.
Albader Group Of Companies
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